Negotiations begin of contract with sheriff’s employees

The Greene County board of supervisors and AFSCME Local 3949, which represents employees in the county sheriff’s office, began negotiations of a new contract Dec. 12. The current contract expires June 30, 2014.

The union, represented by Rick Eilander of AFSCME Iowa Council 61 and local union steward Lesa Seil, presented a proposal  that calls for 5 percent wage increases in every year of a five year contract. The proposal also asks for implementation of a wage matrix over the next five years with a goal of decreasing current wage disparities between employees doing the same work. The union also seeks to add a position of chief jailer/jail administrator to the contract.

The union asks for no change in insurance benefits except an agreement that if premiums increase more than 15 percent in any year, the county will issue a request for proposals in an attempt to secure a more cost-effective provider. The union asks for changes in the way vacation pay is calculated for weekend shifts that include an actual holiday when the holiday is being observed on a Monday, and for language regarding timely response to vacation requests. Finally, the union asks that the grievant and the union steward be paid for time spent in grievance meetings with management.

The county’s proposal was made by labor relations consultant Renee Von Bokern. The initial proposal for a one-year contract calls for no change in pay. Von Bokern said the county would be agreeable to a multi-year contract.

The county proposes changes in how worker’s compensation is calculated with sick leave, vacation time or compensatory time. The changes would bring the contract in line with the contract the county now has with the secondary roads employees.

The county would simplify the health insurance benefit by taking out one option. Currently, employees have a choice of two plans. The county would pay 95 percent of the policy premium for a single person and 80 percent of the premium for a family. Employee out-of-pocket deductibles would be set at $1,000/single and $2,000/family; office visit co-pays would not apply to the deductible. Employee prescription costs would be $8 for generic and $25 for all other prescriptions.

The county now pays 100 percent of the premium for a single person and 85 percent for a family. The county’s proposal to the sheriff’s office employees is the same proposal on the table for secondary roads employees. Both contracts are currently in negotiation.

Following the initial proposals Dec. 12, the two groups met in closed session for negotiations.

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