First Ram Reader book distribution held

Jefferson-Elementary students “LOVE” to read.  The school recently had its first “Ram Reader” book distribution of the school year for all students in our building.  As the students entered the art room they saw hundreds of brand new books spread over every surface available.  Each child was allowed to choose “just one” book to keep to read over and over.  Being able to choose only one, many students were pretty clever about what to select.  They often made arrangements with friends to choose one book and then swap so they can read more than one.  Often times these books are also brought back for the book exchange program in December when students exchange them for a used book someone else has brought in.

J-S elementary children choose from a wide selection of books at the first Ram Reader book distribution. The program is funded entirely by local donations.
J-S elementary children choose from a wide selection of books at the first Ram Reader book distribution. The program is funded entirely by local donations.

The book distribution is made possible through community donors.  Teachers thanked all those that have generously donated to the program.  The distributions depend solely on how many donations are received each year.  This year the school was fortunate to receive a grant from the Greene County Community Foundation.  This was a matching funds grant which allowed teachers to double the amount of books they will be able to purchase.   As a result, they are able to offer twice as many books for children to choose from.

Person who would like to donate to the program can send checks to “Ram Readers” at Jefferson-Scranton Elementary, 401 E. Russell St, Jefferson, IA  50129..

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