Eagle shot north of Ralston; information needed

Bald eagle, youngLaw enforcement officers are asking for the public’s help in an investigation into the shooting death of a young male bald eagle north of Ralston.

The eagle was found dead about 100 yards off County Road N-58, the Carroll/Greene County line, two miles north of Ralston. It was taken to SOAR (Saving Our Avian Resources) in Dedham Nov. 3. Staff at SOAR determined the eagle was 2 years old. X-rays showed the eagle had been shot. Bald eagles have been taken off the endangered species list but are still protected by two federal laws: the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Persons who have any information about the shooting are asked to call Iowa DNR conservation officer Dan Pauley at 515-370-0422. Persons who wish to remain anonymous can call the TIP hotline at 800-532-2020. The TIP (Turn in Poachers) program allows citizens to report a violation and collect a reward without anyone knowing who reported the crime or the information. Visit www.tipofiowa.org for details.

It is illegal to hunt, harm, harass, or possess any hawk, eagle, owl, falcon or vulture. Violations can be reported to the TIP hotline.

SOAR is an Iowa 501(c)3 dedicated to raptor rehabilitation, education and research. Visit www.soarraptors.org for information.

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