Class visits Deal’s Orchard

Mrs. Rogers’ class from Greene County High School set out to enjoy the local fall activities by taking a field trip to Deal’s Orchard Oct. 25.  The group had a great time with the many fun things to do at the orchard.  Some students decided to take the challenge of going through the corn maze and solve the mystery.  Once the quest was conquered, Cole DeHoet announced, “The mystery is history.”  The group was then surprised by their teachers with a gift of pumpkins to take home.

Deals class picThe team did take time to have their picture taken.  Picture are (back, from left)  Nick Walsh, Nicole Burton (class volunteer), Kim Stanek, and Makayla Murray; and Ifront, from left)  Melissa Rice, Rylie Breheny, Katlyn Kendall, Cole DeHoet, and Kourtlin Thacker.  Teachers accompanying the students were  Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Weltz, Mrs. Lansman, Mrs. Gettler, and Mrs. Burgart.

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