The calendars are here!

GreeneCountyNewsOnline continued to grow in 2019. Readers logged on  very close to 300,000 times and viewed 1,041,000 pages! Yes – more than 1 million pages! GreeneCountyNewsOnline IS an important part of our community.

Readers can help keep GCNO online in 2020.

First, please support businesses that advertise on GCNO and encourage your favorite businesses to get on board. Advertising on GCNO reaches a wide market and is very reasonably priced.

Second, scroll down the ad rail and click on the “Donate” button to make a donation to GCNO. Or, mail a donation to PO Box 343, Jefferson, IA 50129. Reader donations provide welcome financial support and affirmation that GCNO provides a worthwhile service.

As an added incentive, now through Feb. 15, all reader donations will be acknowledged with a 2020 desk calendar featuring pictures of favorite events and places in Greene County. The calendar is a convenient size and is a good reminder to check GreeneCountyNewsOnline often, not only on Wednesday Newsday and Good News Sunday, but every day.

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