Scratch cupcakes coming to Greene County

The RSVP volunteer program is bringing the special flavor and artistry of cupcakes from Scratch Cupcakery to Greene County.

The RSVP staff and advisory council are taking orders for Scratch cupcakes now through March 1. There are 18 different selections available, with each selection including a half-dozen cupcakes in several different flavors. Death by Chocolate, Peanut Butter Panic, Coconut Crazy, Bacon Bacon, and Mint Madness are just a few of the choices. Cost is $15-20, depending on the selection. Click here to see all the choices.

The cupcakes will be delivered frozen Friday, March 22. They can be picked up between 4:30 and 6 pm at the Welcome Center at the Thomas Jefferson Gardens in Jefferson. Arrangements can be made for customers who can’t pick up their cupcakes at that time.

The cupcakes can be kept frozen for up to three months.

Proceeds from the sale will support RSVP of Greene County, part of a national non-profit organization that works to place persons age 55 and older in meaningful volunteer positions that benefit the community.

RSVP’s two largest programs in Greene County are the Grocery Assistance Program (GAP), which pairs volunteer shoppers with persons who for whatever reason cannot grocery shop for themselves; and a program at Greene County Elementary School that places volunteers to listen to children read on a regular basis, either one-on-one or in small groups.

“Each selection will provide six different ways to say ‘I love you’ or ‘Thank you’ or ‘Good J-O-B’ to someone special, or to indulge yourself,” said Tori Riley, longtime member of the RSVP advisory council. “We hope a lot of people will take advantage of this chance to buy sweet treats and support an important part of the community.”

Orders for cupcakes can be placed with RSVP volunteer coordinator Sheilah Pound by calling her at 515-370-1099, or by contacting advisory council members Tori Riley, Anne Butler or Nancy Hanamann.

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