Seeking donations for Scranton cemetery sign

~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

The Scranton township trustees are planning a small project to enhance the Scranton cemetery—and they need your help.

The cemetery does not have any sign or marker that identifies its name—Scranton Township Cemetery. The trustees have enlisted the help of Tom Walker, owner of the Scranton Machine Shop, to design an archway-type sign. The sign will be placed at the east entrance to the cemetery.

The sign will mimic the old-fashioned cemetery gateways that are often seen around Iowa rural cemeteries, but will be a smaller version and not extend over the driveway. Rather, the sign will be set to the left side of the east entrance.

The trustees are working now to finalize the details of the design. Plans are to have the sign in place by Memorial Day 2019 in late May.

The trustees will file a grant request with the Greene County Community Foundation to help pay for the cost of the project. At least one-fourth of the cost of the project must be borne by the organization proposing the project. And this is where Scranton residents can help. The trustees need to raise approximately $400 for this purpose.

Yes, you might ask, don’t the trustees have that amount on hand that could just be used for this purpose? Perhaps they do; however, as good stewards of the local tax dollars, they feel they should use those funds for maintaining the cemetery grounds. This project is over and above that regular budget.

Donations would be very much appreciated—any amount, large or small will help! Peoples Bank in Scranton has agreed to receive any contributions and deposit them directly into the township trustees account toward the project. Please make your check payable to Scranton Township Trustees and drop it off at the Bank, or mail it to: Peoples Bank, P. O. Box 426, Scranton, IA 51462.

The grant application is due in mid-February. If you would like to contribute to this project, please make your donation by the end of January so that the grant paperwork can be completed on time.

If you have any questions, please contact one of the trustees: Neal Hoyt, Glen Christensen, or Al Robson. Township clerk is Debra Fey. Thanks in advance for your help!

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