Letter to the editor – Nick & Sue Richardson

To the editor,

Voters in Iowa’s 4th Congressional district have the opportunity on November 6 to elect J.D. Scholten as their representative. J.D. has worked hard during his campaign going to each county, listening to voters’ concerns and researching solutions to the issues while treating all people with courtesy and respect.

This is in stark contrast to his opponent Steve King, who rarely holds town meetings and refuses to debate. The reason for King’s refusal to meet with his constituents is clear; he has only sponsored one minor bill in his 16 years in Congress and his harsh comments about others make most Iowans embarrassed to be represented by him.

J.D. stands strong on issues that face Iowans today. He plans to build a sustainable rural economy while preserving family farms. J.D. wants to invest in the infrastructure that will create jobs and improve quality of life. He wants access to high quality education for all students and a higher minimum wage, so families will want to stay in Iowa.

These are just a few of the issues J.D. supports. J.D. hopes to make each of the issues a reality by reaching across the aisle. The Des Moines Register recently endorsed J.D. Scholten with the following statement, “We endorse him not just as an antidote for King’s virulent xenophobia but as a promising leader.”

Voters in the 4th Congressional district can once again be proud of their representative by electing J.D. Scholten to Congress on November 6..

Sue and Nick Richardson, Jefferson

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