Letter to the editor – Bill Monroe

To the editor,

Faith, Hope and …,

In the last week as I have been knocking on doors and talking with people in my business about this great opportunity to vote YES on April 3 (or before), I have been drawn back to a scripture that probably a majority of married couples had read at their wedding. It is called the Love chapter. 1 Corinthians 13 is the writer’s concept of the importance of love in our lives. (The writer never married so I do not think this was really intended to be read at weddings only).

He talks about the importance of faith; even to move mountains.

He talks about hope and how love always hopes.

Perhaps this is why this set of verses has been on my mind so much. Most of the people I have encountered that see this issue as something to be against have been raised in the faith. But I sense that everyday concerns have washed these verses from their mind. “Can I afford $2.70 per thousand?” “Without kids in the area, why should I support this bond issue?” “I don’t want to spend my money on taxes. I want to spend it on ME!”

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy or boast. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking. Love protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.

I think we need to remember those wedding vows so many have taken and apply that concept of love to our kids, our community, and the thousands that come after us in the next 100 years. Let’s put others first in our lives. Let’s vote yes for their hopes for a better future.

Bill Monroe, R.Ph.
Medicap Pharmacy, Jefferson

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