Schoolyard habitat project part of summer school

Summer school for Greene County students was more than practicing the reading skills of phonics, fluency and comprehension. Every student also completed one of several project based activities.

Second and third graders undertook a schoolyard habitat initiative aimed at getting students interested in gardening and beautifying outdoor spaces. The team researched ways to attract “wanted” creatures like butterflies and hummingbirds, and how to repel “unwanted” creatures. Students planted a few flowers and created several different types of feeders and nesting baskets to be hung in the outdoor classroom east of the playground.

They also planned to implement a school garden during the coming school year.

The students and staff thanked Dave Walker for sharing his time, plants and expertise.

Reading specialist Julie Neal also thanked Bunkers Dunkers for providing free donuts for all the students, and extras for the fourth graders after they included Bunkers Dunkers in a brochure listing the top eight places to visit in Jefferson.

Summer school included a field trip to Dave Walker’s yard on S. Oak St. Pictured are (front, from left) Trevor Gierstorf, Roman Sebourn, Drew Wolterman and Grace Murphy; and (back, from left) Lia Garnett, Jax Purdie, Jose Avalos-Morales, Tyler Lowmiller, Lakota Perrett, Ethan Mueller and Tricia Schoon.



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