Trinity Lutheran Church hosting VBS June 11-15

Trinity Lutheran Church in Jefferson is hosting vacation Bible school for youngsters 3 years of age to fifth graders June 11-15. The theme is VBS 2017 is a victory celebration.

“At Mighty Fortress VBS, children learn that in Jesus, the victory is won. They’ll look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and explore five Bible accounts about God, our Mighty Fortress, and the victory Jesus has won for us,” a spokesperson said.

Registration is open for all children ages 3 to fifth grade who will attend VBS June 11-15, beginning at 5 pm.

“Come along as we sing fun songs, do crazy crafts, eat supper, play awesome games, and more. Plus, you’ll learn ‘in Jesus the victory is won’,” the spokesperson said.

Persons who want more information can call 515-386-3517 or send email to

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