4-H news

Hardin Happy Hustlers: The Hardin Happy Hustlers held their meeting at the Greene County Middle School on Sunday Feb. 12, at 2 pm. Roll call was answered by 18 members.

Old business discussed was the club outing on Jan. 29 to Hidden Acres at Dayton for a day of swimming, games and pizza. This took the place on the regular January meeting

New business was discussed regarding FSQA training and testing that will be coming up in April. A vote was taken to participate in the annual 4-H basketball tournament on March 12 at the Scranton gym. The rest of the new club T-shirts were handed out by leader Kathy Marshall. Leader Sharon Fisher had received notification from the Iowa Department of Transportation that our 2-year contract for ditch cleanup needed to be renewed. This document was signed and returned for another two year period.

Discussion was held about making some type of donation to the Greene County Fair. Ideas that came up were a bench or picnic table, or the possibility of a small cemented area and basketball hoop. Sharon Fisher will visit with Greene County Fair board member Bob Allen to see if this would be a welcome addition to the fairgrounds.

Our March meeting will be held on Sunday, March 5, at the middle school. There will be time after the meeting for basketball practice for the upcoming 4-H basketball tournament.

Presentations were given by Zachary Burbank on how to make Scotcharoos and Gavin VanderLinden on how to make an origami Yoda.

Snacks and drinks were provided by Nicholas and Lauryn Killion


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