Lots of Socks project grows

This year’s Lots of Socks project netted 1,491 items, including more than 700 pairs of socks, for needy children in Greene County. That figure is about 200 items more than last year and puts the total at more than 6,500 items collected by RSVP 55+ in the seven years it has organized the project.

rsvp-sorting-socksPictured are (from left) RVSP 55+ Greene County volunteer coordinator Kristie Hurley, Rosalee St Clair, Rhetta Wright, Jan Friess and Mailee Kerr sorting and counting socks.

The project started as a Make a Difference Day project. This year, collection boxes were placed in several locations throughout the county for two weeks in October. When volunteers reclaimed the boxes they found not only socks, but donations of new underwear, hats and gloves, and diapers and Pull-Ups.

The clothing items are being distributed through New Opportunities. The diapers and Pull-Ups will be kept at the Greene County Early Learning Center to use when supplies sent from home run short. Park Nursing and Rehab Center, and as mentors in the Kids With a Connection program.

RSVP 55+ is the largest volunteer network in the nation and a leader in volunteer recruitment and placement for adults age 55 and older. RSVP 55+ in Greene County’s signature program is the Grocery Assistance Program (GAP), which provides volunteers to grocery shop for homebound persons. RSVP volunteers are also found providing in-home visits and respite services, at Regency

For more information about RSVP 55+, contact Hurley at 515-370-1099.

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