‘Kid friendly’ food drive for National Service/Senior Corps Week

RSVP County Day National ServiceGreene County employees and the Greene County RSVP volunteer program* are partnering for a “kid friendly” food drive next week for Recognition of National Service and Senior Corps Week.

All area residents are invited to join in National Service by donating “kid friendly” food items for distribution through New Opportunities and the Action Resource Center food pantry.

A donation bin will be located in the east lobby of the Greene County courthouse May 2-6. “Kid friendly” items needed include canned pasta- ravioli, spaghetti and meatballs or overstuffed ravioli of any brand, with pop-off tops if possible; ramen noodles; instant oatmeal packets; Rice Krispie treats; Sunshine Cheez-It crackers; Capri Sun low sugar juice drinks; fruit and grain bars; and fruit cups and applesauce.

*RSVP is a Senior Corps program of the Corporation for National and Community Service.

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