Almost typical weather for July in Jefferson

Jefferson was a little cooler but not much wetter than a typical July, according to weather data compiled by volunteer observer John Beltz.

The average high temperature was 81.1 degrees, compared to the normal average high of 85.8 degrees. High temperature for the month was 91 degrees on July 13 and again on July 18. There were 12 days in July that didn’t reach 80 degrees, and one day, July 3, that the high temperature was 67 degrees. Record high temperature for July in Jefferson is 111 degrees on July 5, 1911.

The average low temperature was 61.8 degrees, compared to the normal average low of 63.1 degrees. Low temperature for the month was 51 degrees on July 8. There were nine nights in July with a low temperature in the 50s. The warmest overnight low was 74 degrees on July 12, preparing for the hot, humid July 13. Record low temperature for July in Jefferson is 41 degrees on July 17, also in 1911.

Jefferson received 4.02 inches of rain; 4.1 inches is normal for July. More than half the rain, 2.31 inches, fell July 26-29. Rain fell on 11 days during the month.

Total growing degree days for the year as of July 31 was 1,904; 2,146 is normal.


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