Huckabee draws good crowd in Jefferson

Huckabee and SeanRepublican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, spoke to a group of about 75 voters Thursday afternoon at Pizza Ranch in Jefferson.

He was introduced by Sean Sebourn (right), chairman of Huckabee’s Greene County committee. In his introduction, Sebourn highlighted six items of the Huckabee campaign: protecting Israel; repealing executive orders he finds to be unconstitutional; granting no amnesty to undocumented residents and protecting US borders; spending less money; abolishing the IRS and implementing a “Fair Tax”; and redefining marriage one man and one woman.

Huckabee is a Baptist pastor and served a total of 13 years as lieutenant governor and then governor of Arkansas. Sebourn said it was primarily Huckabee’s calling as a pastor that first drew him to Huckabee as a candidate. “He knows God’s principle and His words, which we need to be able to protect at all costs,” Sebourn said. “Governor Huckabee will stand firm in that as president.”

Huckabee spoke for about 20 minutes and then took questions for another 40 minutes. He spoke of the recent nuclear agreement with Iran, saying he is “adamantly opposed to the Iranian deal,” of his proposed Fair Tax, and of a need for “moral clarity” in our nation.

For more about Huckabee’s visit the Opinion tab on GreeneCountyNewsOnline.


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